(placeholder name)
First thing first, all names are placeholders so far, naming stuff is hard. And I refuse to commit or settle, for now.
This is another project I invisioned as a short comic, maybe one day I'll actually draw it.
The story follows two fey mediators, people who get called to the scene when fey creatures and humans have a dispute, in order to resolve it in a way that is hopefully good for all sides involved.
One day "Mary" asks her partner "John" to trade his name with hers. He declines. After that follows a series of vignettes showing how "Mary" got to this point in their life, and "John" seriously considering “Mary”'s offer.
Given that this is a story whose central plot revolves around this name trade makes it much harder for me to pick everyone's actual names, help.
This setting is somewhat urban fantasy, in a way that there is magic and fantasy creatures but also old-timey cars, music tapes, ska music, and because of one thing I found really funny, glocks.
Also, this is very very loosely based on fey/fae/however you wanna spell that lore. The name giving thing is quite obviously borrowed from the myth that if you give a fae your name they gain power over you. In the same way in this setting you can give other people other non-physical aspects of you, such as your dreams.